when you hear about a movie, and dont want to look at each of your tv providers individually.
A canvas editor built with fabricjs. trying to implement a canvas editor but built on an existing library. was supposed to be the editor for drag and dropping elements to create pdfs but now it is just a showcase now
A canvas editor where i mostly tried to implement everything from scratch except drag and drop
I was learning auth, mainly oidc and oauth2. i read the oidc and oauth2 rfc and i tried writing my own client side oidc tpyescript lib. adapter pattern, core auth lib with typescript where adapters can be written for different types of persistence, redirects etc. it was never meant for a production library, but learned a lot about auth and oidc
movie app i created while learning react.
pathfinder [2021]visualization of a pathfinder algorithm. steps are pre-calculated by the algorithm and then rendered to visualize the path
sorting visualizer [2021]visualization of sorting algorithms. steps are pre-calculated by the algorithm and then rendered to visualize the sorting
tower of hanoi [2021]visualization of the tower of hanoi algorithm. steps are pre-calculated by the algorithm and then rendered to visualize the tower of hanoi
(code) sudoku solver [2020]implementation of a sudoku solver with backtracking and dancing links in java
(code) hashing [2020]implementation of a hashing algorithm in java